10 Tips to Run a Dog Walking Business

10 Tips to Run a Dog Walking Business

Have you ever wanted to be surrounded by fur babies at the park and earn some cash from it? Starting your dog walking business may be the next step for you! Here are our top 10 tips when running your newest pet caring business: developing your business plan, marketing your business and getting dog walking insurance.

  1. Do your research

By researching your market, customers, goals and plans will help you develop your unique selling point as a business. Understanding where you will be in the industry as a pet caring business will help you make the right choices to meet your goals later on in the future

  1. Locate local parks

Local parks will benefit you by finding suitable locations and customers to advertise your business. This flexibility will help you from starting local and nearby places and may make it easier for you to identify the community a bit better. Starting from friends and family will also help you network with dog owners to take care of theirs and spread the word.

  1. Develop your business plan

Writing up a business plan is another way to start your business, so you have a clear vision of your short-term and long-term goals. Developing a business plan might include your intentions, possible collaborations, how you will sell your services to dog owners, everything you plan to do with your new business and how you aim to reach those.

  1. Market your business

There are many ways to market your business: advertising, social media, word of mouth, posters in nearby dog shelters and pet stores (great for new dog owners!), and creating a website. Utilising these might allow your business to target the right audiences, whether online or local. Still, they could also scale your business to connect with others in the industry.

  1. Create a social media account

Social media has many benefits, including cheap advertising, accessible research on your potential audiences, viewing your competitors, creating content and having fun with making your business have an online presence. Many companies use social media but try to twist it with content ideas from current trends and match them with your services. Memes, videos, photos, collages, and any creative ideas you can think of as a way to interact with online audiences.

  1. Design a website

Launching a website for your dog walking business is another excellent way to grow your presence online. You might include information about the company, your products and services, and how individuals can enquire to become a customer of yours. Building a website is generally affordable and easy to maintain, and similar to social media, you can have a lot of creative fun with it.

  1. Getting the correct business licence

Every state and country is different, so researching how to obtain specific business licences should be your first step to ensure you and your business are secure. Registering yourself as a sole trader or sole entrepreneur may be the first action you take before operating your business lawfully.

  1. Purchasing some gear

Walking a dog will be much easier with specific leashes and harnesses per dog size, so choosing the right one will benefit you later. Purchasing some dog treats will also help when dealing with hungry fur babies, and some poop bags on hand will for sure have you thank yourself later on.

  1. Get to know your customers and their dogs

Understanding your customers and their dogs will help you better understand their behaviours and how often they want to use your services, which will benefit your scheduling and time to spend with each dog. Create a way to report to each customer after each walk to update them on any changes or worries they may need to be aware of.

  1. Choosing the right insurance

Getting insurance for you and your business is the best way of protecting yourself from any lawsuits or expensive claims. Receiving insurance such as dog walking liability insurance covers your newest dog business from legal and defence costs, compensation for third-party personal injury (and not covered by the Accident Compensation Commission (ACC)), and the costs of repairing damaged property.

Start your dog walking business like a smooth walk in the park with BizCover today, and we can help you compare multiple quotes online in minutes, drama free!

This information is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be relied upon as advice. As with any insurance, cover will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy wording.
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*Place holder for individual article disclaimer : This information is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be relied upon as advice. As with any insurance, cover will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy wording. © 2024 BizCover Limited.

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